Portable Library Project

TCLI provides underserved communities, IDP camps and schools without library facilities with portable/moveable libraries stocked with books, learning resources and tablets to aid their digital learning

Feet for School

This project is aimed at providing less privileged Nigerian school children especially in the Middle-Belt and North-East with hand-made sandals, shoes, and sneakers for school.

Period Care Pack for School Girls Campaign

This campaign kicked off in May 2019 with the aim of reaching out to such underserved secondary school girls with menstrual hygiene knowledge, menstrual hygiene materials in order to equip them with knowledge on how to effectively take care of themselves during their period. We reached almost 700 girls between May and December 2019.

Education and Relief Materials for IDPs

This project began in 2018 and is aimed at reaching out to Internally Displaced Persons in Benue, especially IDP children of school age, with educational resources and relief materials.